
Apple to Add State IDs to Apple Wallet

Apple Inc. announced that residents of many states would be able to use the Apple Wallet platform on their iPhone or Apple Watch to show their driver's license or ID.
Apple to Add State IDs to Apple Wallet

Apple Inc. announced that residents of many states would be able to use the Apple Wallet platform on their iPhone or Apple Watch to show their driver's license or ID.

Arizona and Georgia will be the first states to use the function, according to Google, with Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah following after. Apple Wallet is a platform that allows Apple users to view and use a variety of documents, including credit cards and boarding permits.

The US Transportation Security Administration will enable some airport security checkpoints as the first locations to accept IDs on iPhone or Apple Watch, according to the business.

Apple has stated that neither the firm nor the issuing states will be aware of when or where users have shown their IDs.